Our services are for individuals or groups, outdoors online or in-person.
For Individuals
Online - Outdoors
You can do ecotherapy with Alasdair anywhere in the world – if there’s a mobile signal or Wi-Fi that is!
Alasdair offers ecotherapy work to anyone who has a suitable device and can access a safe, private outdoor space. It is similar in other aspects to the in-person service.
If weather or time zone differences are an issue, online sessions are sometimes held with one or both people indoors, guiding and reflecting on work that has been or is planned to be done outdoors.
In-person - Outdoors
These take place in a beautiful outdoor setting, close to public amenities but with sufficient privacy. The work can take the form of counselling, therapy or coaching, depending on what your needs and goals are.
The location is based on what works for you and your ecotherapy guide in terms of travel time and accessibility. Instead of sitting in a consulting room, you can walk and talk side-by-side or stop and sit for a while in a place where you won’t be disturbed.
You actually get to work with TWO co-therapists/ counsellors/coaches during these sessions: your ecotherapy guide and Nature herself! As well as talking, this can involve guided meditations and other activities interacting with Nature. You will learn ecotherapy techniques which you can use by yourself anytime that you’re out in Nature.
Clients can opt to start with a few in-person sessions, then move to online sessions (see below).
Experience the Magic of Nature
This late-afternoon adventure offers you the chance to explore the nature around you in exciting and insightful ways.
Using sensory exercises, mindfulness, movement and play in an exquisite green space, we open to the power of the natural environment, both seen and unseen.
This space of openness to Nature’s magic leads into a sunset, fairy-lit performance of storytelling and Celtic harp, inviting you to experience the enchantment of the natural world which surrounds you – an unforgettable evening!
Nature Connection Bushwalks
A great way to forget the stresses of daily life and nourish the soul!
Enjoy a therapeutic adventure amidst wild bushland on an energising but easy 3-hour guided walk, stopping in special places to take a closer look at the vivid beauty of the life flourishing all around you.
Learn fascinating facts about native plants and wildlife – you will experience the wonder of the bush like never before! Learn simple ecotherapy techniques which heighten your awareness and deepen the therapeutic benefits of being in Nature.
You can use these techniques anytime you’re outdoors, adding huge value to every moment you spend in Nature!
Heal, Grow and Thrive with Nature
PRANA Ecotherapy Practitioner Training
For those who have fallen in love with Nature as the world’s number one healer, teacher and trainer, and want to share it with others, this is for you!
This is the chance to fully learn the PRANA Ecotherapy Modality and use it in your practice as therapist, coach, counsellor, trainer, healer, light worker, wilderness guide – whatever you feel called to.
Over 9 weekends plus some assignment work, we will cover each of the 9 Steps of the Modality, exploring both the ‘outer’ world of Nature and the ‘inner’ world of our psyches. You will learn a rich variety of skills and techniques to apply to your work. The work will be based on a broad range of knowledge and experience: cutting-edge natural science, psychology, spirituality and ceremony.
During this training there will be opportunities for engaging in deeper processes such as a 24-hour solo wilderness adventure and a sweat lodge ceremony.
Graduates from this course will be certified as PRANA Ecotherapy Practitioners and can use the brand and logo in their work.
Vision Quest
This is a solo wilderness adventure. It is in many ways the ultimate ecotherapy activity.
In many indigenous cultures, it has been a rite of passage into adulthood, so each member of the community can discover the true purpose of their life, and live that truth for the rest of their days.
In ‘Western’ society, we are now reconnecting with the value of this process.
To be in retreat in Nature in this way is a very powerful experience. As we gaze for days and nights into the ‘soul mirror’ of Nature, we can access opportunities for gaining insights, clarity and healing which are extremely rare in our modern society.
Vision Quests run by PRANA Ecotherapy usually last 8 days.
After spending a couple of days with the questing group and Vision Quest guides in preparation for their adventure, each quester spends time alone in a peaceful, secluded place free from contact with the outside world this period lasts 4 days and 4 nights. When the quester returns from their adventure, they rejoin the group and begin to integrate what they have learned from Nature, before preparing to return to their everyday lives.
This event is unavoidably and irrevocably life-changing – “a bud can do nothing but bloom!” How the visions you gain on your quest will open up and manifest in your life is a mystery known only to Nature and to your deepest Natural Self.
A Weekend Course in DIY Ecotherapy Training
Developing and sustaining mental, emotional and physical wellbeing can be easy, fascinating and fun – and all you have to do is step outside!
This is a chance for you to gift yourself 2 solid days in beautiful green spaces, from wild bushland to organic gardens and food forests. During this time you will learn all 9 steps of the PRANA Ecotherapy modality and use the tools and techniques which go with them. This will give you the ability to practice ecotherapy in your personal life.
All participants receive their own ecotherapy journal and a certificate of attendance which can open the door to higher-level ecotherapy trainings in the future.
Sweat Lodge Ceremony
In ecotherapy we work with the four elements of the physical world: Earth, Air, Fire and Water.
In order to access the healing cleansing, transformational aspect of Fire, we heat stones on a fire, place them into the purpose-built lodge and pour water on them. In this hot, darkened space, we can allow the things which hinder our happiness, vitality and growth to melt away, revealing a deeper part of ourselves to us, and freeing up our life energy to pursue and manifest our deepest heart’s desires.
Every part of this one-day ceremony is held as sacred, respecting the traditions which have passed this rite onto us, and also respecting those deep, quiet parts of ourselves that hold so much love and wisdom for us.
The lodges are held in a rural location and facilitated by lodge-keepers with decades of experience.