ECOTHERAPY is a way of attaining and sustaining excellent mental and physical wellbeing and resilience, by connecting with the greatest power on Earth: Nature.
The many ecosystems which make up the natural world have an innate intelligence which endlessly renews energy and creates harmony, beauty, balance and resilience. We humans are part of these systems as much as the birds, trees, mountains and clouds.
When we reconnect with Nature in conscious, positive ways, this harmony, beauty, balance and resilience becomes ours. With these wonderful qualities, we can face anything that life brings our way. Hope, health, deeper meaning, peace and guidance on the tricky paths of life are our birthright, which Nature wants to restore to us.
By using a range of techniques from the PRANA Modality, we can do this, and have so many rich and joyous experiences along the way. These techniques include individual and group practices such as raising sensory awareness, meditation, movement, play, creative arts and writing, environmental education, storytelling and solo wilderness adventures.
Ecotherapy practice is a ‘two-way street’. This means that, as nature nourishes and restores our beings to wholeness and happiness, we take care of our natural world. Participants have opportunities to take part in land care, environmental conservation, organic gardening and other activities which contribute to restoring and maintaining a state of “Healthy People, Healthy Planet” in our beautiful world.
Ecotherapy events can last anywhere from a couple of hours to a week and more, depending on the level of experience and commitment of participants.
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